Generate Hello World Hybrid Server
To generate a hybrid server, we only need a config.json to specify project related parameters as there is no specification for the server. The server itself is just a host for multiple services.
The config.json can be accessed at
"rootPackage": "com.networknt.hello",
"artifactId": "hello",
"groupId": "com.networknt",
"name": "hello",
"version": "1.0.0",
"overwriteHandler": true,
"overwriteHandlerTest": true,
"httpPort": 8080,
"enableHttp": false,
"httpsPort": 8443,
"enableHttps": true,
"enableHttp2": true,
"enableRegistry": false,
"supportOracle": false,
"supportMysql": false,
"supportPostgresql": false,
"supportH2ForTest": false,
"supportClient": false
As you can see, we want to generate a generic server project without extra dependencies. You can always add more dependencies later in the pom.xml file.
The next step is to use the built light-codegen to scaffold a server project. For the usage of the light-codegen for the hybrid server, you can visit the document.
To generate the server project, run the following commands.
cd ~/networknt
java -jar light-codegen/codegen-cli/target/codegen-cli.jar -f light-hybrid-4j-server -o light-example-4j/hybrid/hello-world/server -c model-config/hybrid/hello-world/server/config.json
Now a new project is generated in the light-example-4j/hybrid/hello-world/server folder. You can build and start the server in the command line.
cd ~/networknt/light-example-4j/hybrid/hello-world/server
./mvnw install
After a successful build, you can start the server with the java command line from the server folder.
java -jar target/hello-1.0.0.jar
The server is now up and running; however, it is not functioning as there is no service deployed. From the console, you can see that the handlers size is zero.
RpcStartupHookProvider: handlers size 0
Now, let’s shut down the server by issuing CTRL+C on the terminal. We need to create build service1 that will be deployed to the server. First, the server1 schema will need to be created, and then we can use it to scaffold service1 project.