Self Signed Jwt Key
The light-oauth2 server needs a private key to sign the JWT token and all servers need a public key certificate to verify the token. The following includes the steps to create both primary and secondary key pairs.
keytool -genkeypair -alias primary -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore primary.jks -storepass password -keypass password -validity 9999
keytool -genkeypair -alias secondary -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore secondary.jks -storepass password -keypass password -validity 9999
Please note that light-oauth2 token service has a config file called jwt.yml and it looks like the following. The keyName in the config file must match the alias in the above command.
kid: '100' # kid that used to sign the JWT tokens. It will be shown up in the token header.
filename: "primary.jks" # private key that is used to sign JWT tokens.
keyName: primary # key name that is used to identify the right key in keystore.
password: password # private key store password and private key password is the same
issuer: urn:com:networknt:oauth2:v1 # default issuer of the JWT token
audience: urn:com.networknt # default audience of the JWT token
expiredInMinutes: 10 # expired in 10 minutes by default for issued JWT tokens
version: '1.0' # JWT token version
keytool -export -alias primary -keystore primary.jks -rfc -file primary.crt
keytool -export -alias secondary -keystore secondary.jks -rfc -file secondary.crt
Copy the primary.crt and secondary.crt to every server config folder and copy the primary.jks and secondary.jks to light-oauth2/token service config folder.