By default, the generated API has security turned off. You can turn on the JWT verification by updating src/main/resources/config/security.yml in petstore project.
Here is the default security.yml
# Security configuration in light framework.
# Enable JWT verification flag.
enableVerifyJwt: false
# Enable JWT scope verification. Only valid when enableVerifyJwt is true.
enableVerifyScope: true
# User for test only. should be always be false on official environment.
enableMockJwt: false
# JWT signature public certificates. kid and certificate path mappings.
'100': oauth/primary.crt
'101': oauth/secondary.crt
clockSkewInSeconds: 60
# Enable or disable JWT token logging for audit. This is to log the entire token
# or choose the next option that only logs client_id, user_id and scope.
logJwtToken: true
# Enable or disable client_id, user_id and scope logging if you don't want to log
# the entire token. Choose this option or the option above.
logClientUserScope: false
# If OAuth2 provider support http2 protocol. If using light-oauth2, set this to true.
oauthHttp2Support: true
# Enable JWT token cache to speed up verification. This will only verify expired time
# and skip the signature verification as it takes more CPU power and long time.
enableJwtCache: true
And here is the updated security.yml to make enableVerifyJwt to true.
# Security configuration in light framework.
# Enable JWT verification flag.
enableVerifyJwt: true
# Enable JWT scope verification. Only valid when enableVerifyJwt is true.
enableVerifyScope: true
# User for test only. should be always be false on official environment.
enableMockJwt: false
# JWT signature public certificates. kid and certificate path mappings.
'100': oauth/primary.crt
'101': oauth/secondary.crt
clockSkewInSeconds: 60
# Enable or disable JWT token logging for audit. This is to log the entire token
# or choose the next option that only logs client_id, user_id and scope.
logJwtToken: true
# Enable or disable client_id, user_id and scope logging if you don't want to log
# the entire token. Choose this option or the option above.
logClientUserScope: false
# If OAuth2 provider support http2 protocol. If using light-oauth2, set this to true.
oauthHttp2Support: true
# Enable JWT token cache to speed up verification. This will only verify expired time
# and skip the signature verification as it takes more CPU power and long time.
enableJwtCache: true
The updated security.yml enabled JWT signature verification as well as scope verification.
Let’s shutdown the server by issuing a CTRL+C on the terminal. And restart the server after repackage it.
mvn package exec:exec
With the security enabled, the curl command won’t work anymore.
curl -k https://localhost:8443/v2/pet/111
{"statusCode":401,"code":"ERR10002","message":"MISSING_AUTH_TOKEN","description":"No Authorization header or the token is not bearer type"}
In order to access it, you have to provide the right JWT token. There is a long lived token that can be found at
In real client application, you need to have light-oauth2 services installed as infrastructure service to support the microservices.
Let’s use that token in curl.
curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiIxMDAiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46Y29tOm5ldHdvcmtudDpvYXV0aDI6djEiLCJhdWQiOiJ1cm46Y29tLm5ldHdvcmtudCIsImV4cCI6MTc5NDg3MzA1MiwianRpIjoiSjFKdmR1bFFRMUF6cjhTNlJueHEwQSIsImlhdCI6MTQ3OTUxMzA1MiwibmJmIjoxNDc5NTEyOTMyLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoiMS4wIiwidXNlcl9pZCI6InN0ZXZlIiwidXNlcl90eXBlIjoiRU1QTE9ZRUUiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJmN2Q0MjM0OC1jNjQ3LTRlZmItYTUyZC00YzU3ODc0MjFlNzIiLCJzY29wZSI6WyJ3cml0ZTpwZXRzIiwicmVhZDpwZXRzIl19.gUcM-JxNBH7rtoRUlxmaK6P4xZdEOueEqIBNddAAx4SyWSy2sV7d7MjAog6k7bInXzV0PWOZZ-JdgTTSn6jTb4K3Je49BcGz1BRwzTslJIOwmvqyziF3lcg6aF5iWOTjmVEF0zXwMJtMc_IcF9FAA8iQi2s5l0DYgkMrjkQ3fBhWnopgfkzjbCuZU2mHDSQ6DJmomWpnE9hDxBp_lGjsQ73HWNNKN-XmBEzH-nz-K5-2wm_hiCq3d0BXm57VxuL7dxpnIwhOIMAYR04PvYHyz2S-Nu9dw6apenfyKe8-ydVt7KHnnWWmk1ErlFzCHmsDigJz0ku0QX59lM7xY5i4qA" https://localhost:8443/v2/pet/111
And we have the result:
"photoUrls" : [ "aeiou" ],
"name" : "doggie",
"id" : 123456789,
"category" : {
"name" : "aeiou",
"id" : 123456789
"tags" : [
"name" : "aeiou",
"id" : 123456789
"status" : "aeiou"
In the next step, we are going to dockerize the API and then enable additional features with externalized configuration files.