SQL Update
Unlike most APIs with NoSQL databases, Reference API has a SQL database for storage. In the light-reference repository, there is ref.sql, which is the source for the production reference. To execute the ref.sql on test4 or prod4, follow the steps below.
Copy the ref.sql to the remote server
cd ~/networknt/light-reference
scp ref.sql prod4:/home/[userid]/ref.sql
ssh to the test4 or prod4 and copy the file into the MySQL docker container
ssh prod4
docker ps
docker cp ref.sql [container-id]:/ref.sql
run the MySQL inside the docker
docker exec -it [container-id] mysql -u [mysqluser] -p ref
execute the ref.sql
source ref.sql
restart the reference service
cd ~/networknt/light-config-prod/prod4
docker-compose restart reference
cd ~/light-chain/light-config-test/test4
docker-compose restart reference
To double-check if the dropdown is updated after restarting the container. You can use the following URL to check. Please check the table that has been updated by the script.