How to generate long lived tokens
Normally, your clients or testing tools should integrate with OAuth authorization server to get tokens during runtime; however, for manual testing, it is very inconvenient to get an access token every 10 minutes. To make the testers’ jobs easier, you can generate a long-lived token for dev testing from a tool in the light-4j framework.
The light-oauth2 contains two testing key pairs for testing only. Both private keys and public key certificates can be found in security module of light-4j or light-docker oauth2-token config. The same public key certificates are included in light-4j services generated from light-codegen so that the server can verify any token issued by the OAuth server.
Important note: For your official deployment, please create self-signed key pairs of your own or buy a certificate from one of the Commercial CAs.
The tool is a test case that you can add an entry to generate a token based on your needs. We are considering building a site for developers to get a long-lived token in the future. If a site is provided, it should be part of the portal at
Please be aware that the portal can only generate a token based on the default key pair mentioned above. If you deploy your light-oauth2 instance with your self-signed or CA-issued certificates, then the site won’t work.
It is locate at light-4j/security/src/test/java/com/networknt/security/
Here is the url on networknt organization.
Here are two examples that generate authorization code grant type tokens. You can add your own test cases with different parameters.
public void longLivedATMP1000Jwt() throws Exception {
JwtClaims claims = getTestClaims("eric", "EMPLOYEE", "f7d42348-c647-4efb-a52d-4c5787421e72", Arrays.asList("ATMP1000.w", "ATMP1000.r"));
String jwt = JwtHelper.getJwt(claims);
System.out.println("***LongLived ATMP1000 JWT***: " + jwt);
public void longLivedPetStoreJwt() throws Exception {
JwtClaims claims = getTestClaims("steve", "EMPLOYEE", "f7d42348-c647-4efb-a52d-4c5787421e72", Arrays.asList("write:pets", "read:pets"));
String jwt = JwtHelper.getJwt(claims);
System.out.println("***LongLived PetStore JWT***: " + jwt);
The following is a token generated for petstore api with scope write:pets and read:pets
Bearer eyJraWQiOiIxMDAiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46Y29tOm5ldHdvcmtudDpvYXV0aDI6djEiLCJhdWQiOiJ1cm46Y29tLm5ldHdvcmtudCIsImV4cCI6MTc5NDgwMDYzOSwianRpIjoiWFhlQmpJYXUwUk5ZSTl3dVF0MWxtUSIsImlhdCI6MTQ3OTQ0MDYzOSwibmJmIjoxNDc5NDQwNTE5LCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoiMS4wIiwidXNlcl9pZCI6InN0ZXZlIiwidXNlcl90eXBlIjoiRU1QTE9ZRUUiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJmN2Q0MjM0OC1jNjQ3LTRlZmItYTUyZC00YzU3ODc0MjFlNzIiLCJzY29wZSI6WyJ3cml0ZTpwZXRzIiwicmVhZDpwZXRzIl19.f5XdkmhOoHT2lgTobqVGPp2aWUv_ItA0tqyLHC_CeMbmwzPvREqb5-oJ9T_m3VwRcJlPTh8xTdSjrLITXClaQFE4Y0bT8C-u6bb38uT-NQ5mjUjLrFQYHCF6GqwL7YkwQt_rshEqtrDFe1T4HoEL_9FHbOxf3MSJ39UKq0Ef_9mHXkn4Y-SHfdapeuUWc_4dDPdxzEdzbqmf1WSOOgTuM5O5F2fK4p_ix8LQl0H3AnMZIhIDyygQEnYPxEG-u35gwh503wfxio6buIf0b2Kku2PXPE36lethZwIVaPTncEcY5OPxfBxXuy-Wq-YQizd7NnpJTteHYbdQXupjK7NDvQ
If your light-oauth2 server is using different certificates, then you should copy the certificates and jks files to this folder before running the test case to generate the token.