Custom Grant Types
Light-OAuth2 supports custom grant types and it is very easy to implement with a special client type called trusted. The trusted client type is an add-on based on the standard public or confidential client types provided in OAuth 2.0 specification.
The key condition to setup a trusted client is that the client and OAuth 2.0 provider are deployed in the same organization so that OAuth 2.0 provider can trust the client on certain custom grant types.
Currently, we have one custom grant type called client_authenticated_user.
Before you use this grant type, you have to create a new client through client API and make sure the the client type is “trusted”.
Once the client is registered, you should have a client_id and client_secret returned from the endpoint. Please write down both especially client_secret as there is no way to recover it. The client secret is generated and the hashed and salted result is saved into the database table, so there is no way we can retrieve it later.
For information on client registration, please refer to client tutorial
To start the light-oauth2 services in a docker-compose, please refer to How to start services
Once the services are up and running, let’s create a brand new client and set the client type as trusted.
Here is the curl command line.
curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"clientType":"trusted","clientProfile":"mobile","clientName":"Trusted Client Demo","clientDesc":"A demo client that is trused","scope":"t.r t.w","redirectUri": "https://localhost:8080/authorization","ownerId":"admin"}' https://localhost:6884/oauth2/client
The following is the example response and the clientId and clientSecret in your command would be different. Please write down the clientId and ClientSecret as subsequent commands need them.
{"clientId":"96058f8e-6c03-4b2f-b30e-25b8d093d6d2","clientSecret":"mkFLT99FS260txCk9zKt5A","clientType":"trusted","clientProfile":"mobile","clientName":"Trusted Client Demo","clientDesc":"A demo client that is trused","ownerId":"admin","scope":"t.r t.w","redirectUri":"https://localhost:8080/authorization","createDt":"2017-12-06","updateDt":null}
Given that we have created a trusted client, we are going to use this client to access token endpoint in order to generate a token with client_authenticated_user grant type.
Here is the command.
curl -k -H "Authorization: Basic 96058f8e-6c03-4b2f-b30e-25b8d093d6d2:mkFLT99FS260txCk9zKt5A" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST -d "grant_type=client_authenticated_user&userId=admin&userType=Employee&transit=12345" https://localhost:6882/oauth2/token
And the response is something like this.
You can decode the token at site.
For more information on how to get the token with this custom grant type, you can check the test cases at
Also, there is an standalone example built for one of our customers at