Codegen Web Portal
Most developers use light-codegen as a Java command line tool or Docker command line tool to scaffold their project. There is another option that is still working in progress which you can utilize a service from light-portal to generate the code from the specification defined in marketplace.
There are two parts for the light-codegen in light-portal: an API built with light-hybrid-4j and a single page application built with React.
The following tutorial focuses on how to start the light-port/hybrid-query server with code generator API embedded.
In order to complete this tutorial, you need to clone the following repository into your workspace. The following assumes networknt as workspace folder under user home directory.
cd ~/networknt
git clone
git clone
git clone
The configuration files are located at light-config-test/light-portal/hybrid-query/cloud folder and you need to go to that folder to start the server.
First let’s build light-codegen so that we can have all the jar files locally. As light-codegen is released to maven central, you can download the right version of jar files from there as well.
cd ~/networknt/light-codegen
mvn clean install -DskipTests
Now let’s build the hybrid-query server in light-portal.
cd ~/networknt/light-portal/hybrid-query
mvn clean install
Start server with service dependencies in pom.xml
By default, hybrid-query project pom.xml include all the dependencies for codegen-web. The following block can be found in pom.xml file.
<!-- light-codegen dependencies can be removed and put the jar file into service folder. -->
In this case, the jar files for light-codegen is loaded form maven central when the project is built.
Now let’s copy the codegen-web jar file to ~/networknt/light-config-test/light-portal/hybrid-query/service
cd ~/networknt/light-config-test/light-portal/hybrid-query/service
cp ~/networknt/light-codegen/codegen-web/target/codegen-web-1.5.11.jar .
Note that this service jar must be copied to service folder in order to load and merge schema file with other services on the same server.
To start the server, let’s use the externalized config files in light-config-test folder.
cd ~/networknt/light-config-test/light-portal/hybrid-query/cloud
java -Dlight-4j-config-dir=./config -Dlogback.configurationFile=./logback.xml -cp ~/networknt/light-portal/hybrid-query/target/hybrid-query-1.0.0.jar:../service/* com.networknt.server.Server
Once the server is up and running, you can follow the step below Test Codegen Service to confirm it is working.
Start server with dependencies in service folder
Putting dependent services into hybrid-query pom.xml file is one way to embed services but it is not flexible as you have to rebuild the project in order to change the version of services. Another way is to add these dependent jar files into a service folder and then load dynamically during server startup by putting these files into the classpath. In this way, if you want to upgrade your services, you just need to copy the new version of jar files into the service folder and restart the hybrid-query server.
In summary, it makes sense to include the dependencies into pom.xml during development as it is very convenient. However, when you goto production, it is wise to put these services into a separate folder to load them dynamically.
Now let’s first copy the jar files to ~/networknt/light-config-test/light-portal/hybrid-query/service folder from just built light-codegen project.
cd ~/networknt/light-config-test/light-portal/hybrid-query/service
cp ~/networknt/light-codegen/codegen-core/target/codegen-core-1.5.11.jar .
cp ~/networknt/light-codegen/codegen-fwk/target/codegen-fwk-1.5.11.jar .
cp ~/networknt/light-codegen/codegen-web/target/codegen-web-1.5.11.jar .
cp ~/networknt/light-codegen/light-graphql-4j/target/light-graphql-4j-generator-1.5.11.jar .
cp ~/networknt/light-codegen/light-hybrid-4j/target/light-hybrid-4j-generator-1.5.11.jar .
cp ~/networknt/light-codegen/light-rest-4j/target/light-rest-4j-generator-1.5.11.jar .
Once this is done, you need to comment out the section in pom.xml for all light-codegen dependencies.
<!-- light-codegen dependencies can be removed and put the jar file into service folder. -->
Rebuild the hybrid-query server without the light-codegen in the fat jar.
cd ~/networknt/light-portal/hybrid-query
mvn clean install
Now we can start the server from cloud folder again with light-codegen services loaded from service folder in classpath.
cd ~/networknt/light-config-test/light-portal/hybrid-query/cloud
java -Dlight-4j-config-dir=./config -Dlogback.configurationFile=./logback.xml -cp ~/networknt/light-portal/hybrid-query/target/hybrid-query-1.0.0.jar:../service/* com.networknt.server.Server
To confirm the services are working follow the next step to test.
Test Codegen Service
Given that light-codegen/codegen-web is one of the services, to ensure your hybrid-server is working, we are going to call one of the action in codegen-web to verify if the server is functioning.
curl -k -X POST \
https://localhost:8082/api/json \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-d '{"host":"","service":"codegen","action":"listFramework","version":"0.0.1"}'
and the expected result should be