Server Proxy
This tutorial assumes that we build the petstore API with .NET, Python, or Nodejs without any cross-cutting concerns. Let’s put the light-gateway instance on the localhost to access the petstore API to address all the cross-cutting concerns.
Petstore Serivce
First, let’s start the Petstore API and ensure it is working. The default config should have the petstore service started at 9443 with HTTPS/2.
cd ~/networknt/light-example-4j/rest/petstore-maven-single
java -jar target/server.jar
Second, let’s send a request to the petstore server to ensure it is working.
curl -k https://localhost:9443/v1/pets
The following result is expected.
Server Proxy
Assume we have the gateway built already; we can start it with the default configuration.
cd ~/networknt/light-gateway
java -jar -Dlight-4j-config-dir=config/server-proxy-petstore target/light-gateway.jar
The proxy server is started with HTTPS/2 on port 7443. Let’s send a request through the proxy server.
curl -k https://localhost:7443/v1/pets
The same result will be back.
The configuration files are located in the light-gateway/config/server-proxy-petstore folder.
To support the scope verification of JWT token and OpenApi validation, we have copied the petstore specification openapi.yaml into the config folder.
Here is the default chain of handlers. The last handler is the proxy and it will only be called when all other handlers are passed with cross-cutting concerns addressed.
- exception
- metrics
- limit
- traceability
- correlation
- killapp
- latency
- memory
- exchaos
- cors
- header
- body
- specification
- security
- audit
- sanitizer
- validator
- proxy
The values.yml will overwrite some of the properties in the config files.
- server.yml
We have changed the httpsPort to 7443 and give this service a unique serviceId.
- proxy.yml
We have updated the with https://localhost:9443 which is the petstore store API.
- header.yml
We added a customized response header.
- cors.yml
We have enabled it with the default configuration.
- limit.yml
This is disabled as we don’t need for this server-proxy. Our petstore is very fast :)
- sanitizer.yml
It is enabled to do the header html-content encoding.
- audit.yml
It is enabled.
- client.yml
We defined the tokenKeyServerUrl and tokenKeyUri to get the jwk from the OAuth 2.0 server to verify the JWT token.
- security.yml
To simplify the test, we disable the JWT token verification for now. If you have OAuth 2.0 provider, you can hook it up.
The following is the entire values.yml
# server.yml
server.httpsPort: 7443
server.serviceId: com.networknt.server-proxy-1.0.0
# router.yml
# router.maxRequestTime: 3000
# proxy.yml https://localhost:9443
# header.yml
header.enabled: true
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'; form-action 'none'; frame-ancestors 'none'; img-src 'self';
# cors.yml
cors.enabled: true
# limit.yml
limit.enabled: false
limit.rateLimit: 10/s
limit.errorCode: 429
# sanitizer.yml
sanitizer.enabled: true
sanitizer.bodyEnabled: false
sanitizer.headerEnabled: true
sanitizer.headerEncoder: html-content
#sanitizer.headerAttributesToEncode: x-traceability-id
#sanitizer.headerAttributesToIgnore: test
# audit.yml
audit.enabled: true
audit.mask: true
audit.statusCode: true
audit.responseTime: true
audit.auditOnError: false
audit.logLevelIsError: false
# client.yml
client.verifyHostname: false
client.tokenKeyServerUrl: https://localhost:6886
client.tokenKeyUri: /oauth2/keys
client.timeout: 1000
client.tokenKeyEnableHttp2: true
#client.tokenCcClientId: f7d42348-c647-4efb-a52d-4c5787421e73
#client.tokenRtClientId: f7d42348-c647-4efb-a52d-4c5787421e73
#client.tokenKeyClientId: f7d42348-c647-4efb-a52d-4c5787421e73
#client.signClientId: f7d42348-c647-4efb-a52d-4c5787421e73
#client.signKeyClientId: f7d42348-c647-4efb-a52d-4c5787421e73
#client.derefClientId: f7d42348-c647-4efb-a52d-4c5787421e73
#client.injectOpenTracing: true
# security.yml
security.enableVerifyJwt: false
security.enableExtractScopeToken: false
security.enableVerifyScope: false
security.keyResolver: JsonWebKeySet
security.bootstrapFromKeyService: true
# service.yml
- com.networknt.registry.URL:
- com.networknt.registry.URLImpl:
com.networknt.petstore-1.0.0: https://localhost:9443
- com.networknt.registry.Registry:
- com.networknt.balance.LoadBalance:
- com.networknt.balance.RoundRobinLoadBalance
- com.networknt.cluster.Cluster:
- com.networknt.cluster.LightCluster
- com.networknt.utility.Decryptor:
- com.networknt.decrypt.AESDecryptor
# pathPrefixService.yml
# pathPrefixService.enabled: true
# pathPrefixService.mapping:
# /router/dev/de-asia-ekyc-service: de-asia-ekyc-service-1.0.0
# whitelist.yml
whitelist.enabled: false
# For a particular endpoint(path@method), there are three IPs can access
# IPv4 Exact
- ''
# IPv4 Wildcard
- '10.10.*.*'
# IPv4 Slash
- ''
# For a path, the following IP can access regardless the method
# IPv6 Exact
- 'FE45:00:00:000:0:AAA:FFFF:0045'
# IPv6 Prefix
- 'FE45:00:00:000:0:AAA:FFFF:*'
# IPv6 Slash
- 'FE45:00:00:000:0:AAA:FFFF:01F4/127'
# For a particular endpoint(path@method), there are three IPs can access
# IPv4 Exact
- ''
# IPv4 Wildcard
- '10.10.*.*'
# IPv4 Slash
- ''