Light Gateway Tutorial
We have recently combined both light-proxy and light-router to create a new light-gateway project. Like the http-sidecar, which is based on the same codebase and used as a sidecar in a Kubernetes cluster, the light-gateway can be used in Docker, Windows or Linux services.
The following tutorials demonstrate the usage of the light gateway. We use two demo services to complete the full cycle: market service and petstore service.
Both services are located in the light-example-4j project. You need to check out the repo and build both locally.
Also, we need to check out the light-gateway project in your workspace.
cd ~/networknt
git clone
git clone
Build market service
cd ~/networknt/lgight-exmaple-4j/rest/market
mvn clean install -Prelease
Build petstore service
cd ~/networknt/light-example-4j/rest/petstore-maven-single
mvn clean install -Prelease
Build light-gateway
cd ~/networknt/light-gateway
mvn clean install
- Use light gateway as server proxy on the same host.
- Request and response transformation based on rule engine.