Debug Kafka
As we are using Kafka as message broker, we need to make sure we can debug and monitor Kafka cluster during runtime. There are standard tools provided by Kafka to check the topics and check the messages in each topic. These scripts are in bin directory from Kafka installation directory. You can find a lot of online material on how to use these scripts.
When we dockerize Kafka and run Kafka in a docker compose with Zookeeper, things will be a little different. In this tutorial, we are going to describe how to use these scripts in docker container.
The assumption is that you start the light-eventuate-4j from light-docker
cd ~/networknt/light-docker
docker-compose -f docker-compose-eventuate.yml up
The above docker-compose command will start Mysql, Zookeeper and Kafka all together. Once the compose is up, use the following docker command to log in to Kafka container.
docker exec -it lightdocker_kafka_1 bash
Now you are in Kafka docker container.
The following command will list all the topics in Kafka.
bin/ --list --zookeeper zookeeper:2181
If you want to see the messages in one of the topics listed above, use this command
bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic com.networknt.eventuate.todolist.domain.TodoAggregate --from-beginning