Build and Test
Prepare environment
We are going to use docker-compose to start light-eventuate-4j, cdcserver for eventuate and account money transfer services.
The following assumes that we have a working directory under user directory called networknt.
Start light-eventuate-4j and cdcserver
This is documented in the getting started tutorial. Please follow it to start all services.
Start Account-Management services
First we need to make sure Mysql, Zookeeper, Kafka and CDC server are up and running by following the previous steps.
Then start services with docker compose file for account money transfer services
cd ~/networknt/light-example-4j/eventuate/account-management
mvn clean install
docker-compose down
docker-compose up
Test from command line:
Create new customer (C1):
- On customer command side, system sends the CreateCustomerCommand and applies CustomerCreatedEvent event.
- On customer view side, system subscribes the CustomerCreatedEvent by registering event handlers. In the example, system will process event and save customer to local database.
curl -X POST \
http://localhost:8083/v1/createcustomer \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{"name":{"firstName":"Google11","lastName":"Com"},"email":"[email protected]","password":"password","ssn":"9999999999","phoneNumber":"4166666666","address":{"street1":"Yonge St","street2":"2556 unit","city":"toronto","state":"ON","zipCode":"Canada","country":"L3R 5F5"}}'
Sample Result:
{"id":"0000015cf50351d8-0242ac1200060000","customerInfo":{"name":{"firstName":"Google22","lastName":"Com"},"email":"[email protected]","password":"password","ssn":"9999999999","phoneNumber":"4166666666","address":{"street1":"Yonge St","street2":"2556 unit","city":"toronto","state":"ON","zipCode":"Canada","country":"L3R 5F5"}}}
The json format result include system generated customer id for newly created customer: “id”:“0000015cf50351d8-0242ac1200060000”. Get the customer id (C1) from your real result and save it in a text file. We will use the customer id in the open account restful API call to open account the customer.
Create an account with the customer (replace the customer id with real customer id):
- On the account command side, system sends the OpenAccountCommand and applies AccountOpenedEvent event.
- On the account view side, system subscribes the AccountOpenedEvent by registering event handlers. In the example, system will process events and save the account and the account/customer relationship to local database.
- Open account for the customer created above, use the customer id above in the json data for HTTP POST: customerId”:“0000015cf50351d8-0242ac1200060000”
curl -X POST \
http://localhost:8081/v1/openaccount \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{"customerId":"0000015cf50351d8-0242ac1200060000","title":"RRSP account","description":"account for testing","initialBalance":12355}'
The json format result include system generated account id for new opened account: “accountId”:“0000015cf505ed48-0242ac1200090001”. Get the account id (A1) from your real result and save it in a text file. We will use the account Id for money transfer restful API.
Create an account (no link with customer)
- On the account command side, the system sends the OpenAccountCommand and applies AccountOpenedEvent event.
- On the account view side, the system subscribes to the AccountOpenedEvent by registering event handlers. In the example, system will process event and save account to local database.
curl -X POST \
http://localhost:8081/v1/openaccount \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{"title":"RRSP account","description":"account for testing","initialBalance":12355}'
The json format result includes the system generated account id for a new opened account: “accountId”:“0000015cf5084627-0242ac1200090001”. Get the account id (A2) from your real result and save it in a text file. It will be used to link with customer (C2) in “Link account to customer” service call.
Create new customer (C2):
- On the customer command side, the system sends the CreateCustomerCommand and applies CustomerCreatedEvent event.
- On the customer view side, the system subscribes to the CustomerCreatedEvent by registering event handlers. In the example, system will process event and save customer to local database.
curl -X POST \
http://localhost:8083/v1/createcustomer \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{"name":{"firstName":"Google11","lastName":"Com"},"email":"[email protected]","password":"password","ssn":"9999999999","phoneNumber":"4166666666","address":{"street1":"Yonge St","street2":"2556 unit","city":"toronto","state":"ON","zipCode":"Canada","country":"L3R 5F5"}}'
{"id":"0000015cf50bfe50-0242ac1200060001","customerInfo":{"name":{"firstName":"Google11","lastName":"Com"},"email":"[email protected]","password":"password","ssn":"9999999999","phoneNumber":"4166666666","address":{"street1":"Yonge St","street2":"2556 unit","city":"toronto","state":"ON","zipCode":"Canada","country":"L3R 5F5"}}}
The json format result includes the system generated customer id for a new created customer: “id”:“0000015cf50bfe50-0242ac1200060001”. Get the customer id (C2) from your real result and save it in a text file. It will be used to link with account (opened on previous service call) in “Link account to customer” service call.
Link account to customer (replace the customer id and account with real Id):
- On the customer command side, the system sends the AddToAccountCommand and applies CustomerAddedToAccount event.
- Onthe customer view side, the system subscribes the CustomerAddedToAccount event by registering event handlers. In the example, the system will process the event and save the customer/account relationship to local database.
- Use the new created customer id (replace the {customerId} with customer id (C2) in the url) and replace the account id (A2) in POST json data which created on previous service call.
curl -X POST \
http://localhost:8083/v1/customers/toaccounts/{customerId} \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{"id":"0000015cf5084627-0242ac1200090001","title":"title","owner":"google","description":"test case"}'
Result: 0000015cf50bfe50-0242ac1200060001
Transfer money from account (replace the from account and to account id with real id):
- On the transaction command side, the system sends MoneyTransferCommand and applies the MoneyTransferCreatedEvent event with a certain amount
- On the account command side, the system subscribes to the MoneyTransferCreatedEvent event. The system will verify the account balance based on the debit event.
- If the balance is not enough, the system publishes AccountDebitFailedDueToInsufficientFundsEvent. Otherwise, the system sends AccountCreditedEvent/AccountDebitedEvent.
- On the transaction command side, if the subscribed event is a AccountCreditedEvent/AccountDebitedEvent, the system will process the event and publish CreditRecordedEvent/debitRecordedevent, If the subscribed event is AccountDebitFailedDueToInsufficientFundsEvent, the system will publish FailedDebitRecordedEvent.
- On the account view side, if the subscribed event is a creditRecorded event and debitRecorded event, system will update the local account balance and update the transaction status to COMPLETED. If subscribed event is a FailedDebitRecordedEvent, the system will update transaction status to FAILED_DUE_TO_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS.
- Use the two new opened account ids (A1, A2) on previous services for the fromAccountId and toAccountId in the following service call.
curl -X POST \
http://localhost:8085/v1/transfers \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{"fromAccountId":"0000015cf505ed48-0242ac1200090001","toAccountId":"0000015cf5084627-0242ac1200090001","amount":5000,"description":"test"}'
Return system generated money transfer transaction id
Delete account:
- On the account command side, the system sends the DeleteAccountCommand and applies the AccountDeletedEvent event.
- On the account view side, the system subscribes to the AccountDeletedEvent by registering event handles. On the example, the system will process event and inactive account to local database.
- On the customer view side, the system subscribes to the AccountDeletedEvent event by registering event handles. In the example, the system will process the event and delete the customer/account relationship to the local database.
curl -X DELETE \
http://localhost:8081/v1/delete/0000015cf4bec29b-0242ac1200070001 \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
Customer and Account view:
–View the new customer by email (provide wildcard search):
curl http://localhost:8084/v1/customers/[email protected]
{"customers":[{"id":"0000015cf50351d8-0242ac1200060000","name":{"firstName":"Google22","lastName":"Com"},"email":"[email protected]","password":"password","ssn":"9999999999","phoneNumber":"4166666666","address":{"street1":"Yonge St","street2":"2556 unit","city":"toronto","state":"ON","zipCode":"Canada","country":"L3R 5F5"},"toAccounts":null}]}
–View the new customer by customer Id (replace the customer id with real customer id,. You can use copy from result of create customer)
curl http://localhost:8084/v1/customer/{customerId}
{"id":"0000015cf50351d8-0242ac1200060000","name":{"firstName":"Google22","lastName":"Com"},"email":"[email protected]","password":"password","ssn":"9999999999","phoneNumber":"4166666666","address":{"street1":"Yonge St","street2":"2556 unit","city":"toronto","state":"ON","zipCode":"Canada","country":"L3R 5F5"},"toAccounts":null}
– View account by Id (replace the Id with real account Id)
curl http://localhost:8082/v1/accounts/{accountId}
{"accountId":"0000015cf505ed48-0242ac1200090001","balance":73550000,"title":"RRSP account","description":"account for testing"}
– View account transaction history:
curl http://localhost:8082/v1/accounts/0000015cf910e31b-0242ac1200080000/history
Test with Postman:
Create new customer (C1):
POST URL: http://localhost:8083/v1/createcustomer
Header: Content-Type: application/json
{"name":{"firstName":"Google1222","lastName":"Com1"},"email":"[email protected]","password":"password","ssn":"9999999999","phoneNumber":"4166666666","address":{"street1":"Yonge St","street2":"2556 unit","city":"toronto","state":"ON","zipCode":"Canada","country":"L3R 5F5"}}
Create an account with the customer (replace the customer id with real customer id):
POST URL: http://localhost:8081/v1/openaccount
Header: Content-Type: application/json
Body: {“customerId”:“0000015cf4be6114-0242ac1200060001”,“title”:“RRSP account”,“description”:“account for testing”,“initialBalance”:12355}
Create an account (no link with customer)
POST URL: http://localhost:8081/v1/openaccount
Header: Content-Type: application/json
Body: {“title”:“RRSP account”,“description”:“account for testing”,“initialBalance”:12355}
Create new customer (C2):
POST URL: http://localhost:8083/v1/createcustomer
Header: Content-Type: application/json
{"name":{"firstName":"Google12","lastName":"Com1"},"email":"[email protected]","password":"password","ssn":"9999999999","phoneNumber":"4166666666","address":{"street1":"Yonge St","street2":"2556 unit","city":"toronto","state":"ON","zipCode":"Canada","country":"L3R 5F5"}}
Link account to customer (replace the customer id and account with real Id):
POST URL: http://localhost:8083/v1/customers/toaccounts/0000015cf4b840f3-0242ac1200070000
Header: Content-Type: application/json
Body: {“id”:“0000015cf4b080c7-0242ac1200070001”,“title”:“title”,“owner”:“google”,“description”:“test case”}
Transfer money from account (replace the from account and to account id with real id):
POST URL: http://localhost:8085/v1/transfers
Header: Content-Type: application/json
Delete account:
DELETE URL: http://localhost:8081/v1/delete/0000015cf4bec29b-0242ac1200070001
Header: Content-Type: application/json
Customer and Account view (use any browser)
–View the new customer by email (provide wildcard search):
http://localhost:8084/v1/customers/[email protected]
–View the new customer by customer Id (replace the customer id with real customer id,. You can use copy from result of create customer)
– view account by Id (replace the Id with real account Id)
– View account transaction history: