Openshift Deployment
In this tutorial, we are going to deploy the four APIs to an Openshift project. Openshift is built on top of Kubernetes, but there are still a lot of differences. It has a different command line oc
than kubectl
with similar syntax.
Let’s assume that you have an Openshift project available and you have access to the OC command line to deploy applications.
This is a snapshot of a sample app created by to demonstrate microservices service registration/discovery with Consul. Source repo can be found at
More detailed designs of service discovery and consul see below.
Docker images used for the demo
Steps to deploy
Prepare projects (namespaces) for the demo app in openshift, e.g. oc new-project lightdemo oc new-project lightdemo-dev1
Tie the project to the 3 nodes labeled with “lob=to” which are designated for the demo api deployments
oc patch namespace lightdemo-dev1 -p ‘{“metadata”:{“annotations”:{“”: “lob=to”}}}‘
Set security context constrain (SCC) ‘hostnetwork’ to the project so that demo api containers can listen on hostNetwork interface.
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user hostnetwork system:serviceaccount:lightdemo-dev1:default
Note: the api deployment requires hostNetwork for port binding and will allocate ports from a pre-defined range (30000~30499 in this case). Not only the SCC has to be granted to the serviceaccount but also iptables firewall rule needs to be added.
iptables -I INPUT 6 -p tcp -m multiport –dports 30000:30499 -j ACCEPT
Push the api container images to the above openshift registry
docker push docker push docker push docker push
Login to openshift and set project (namespace)
oc login oc project lightdemo-dev1
Prepare the client.truststore with Consul CA cert
Import the cert to one of the client.truststore files (such as api_d) with keytool -import command line, then copy the file over to other api folders.
Edit secret.yml files with the Consul token
Edit consul.yml file with Consul hostname and enable httpCheck to true
Create secret objects in openshift with
Create the deployments with attached dc yaml files
oc create -f ./api_a/apia-dc.yaml oc create -f ./api_b/apib-dc.yaml oc create -f ./api_c/apic-dc.yaml oc create -f ./api_d/apid-dc.yaml
Verify the logs of all 4 pods and make a note the listen address/port of each (they’re all dynamically assigned at runtime).
You can test the API’s by accessing https://LISTEN_IP:LISTEN_PORT/v1/data, e.g.
Output will look like below
[“API D: Message 1 from port 7444”,“API D: Message 2 from port 7444”,“API B: Message 1”,“API B: Message 2”]
The services can also be seen on the Consul UI.