Lambda Proxy
In this tutorial, we are going to use the light-proxy to address the cross-cutting concerns. We are going to scaffold a project with four Lambda functions based on the petstore OpenAPI 3.0 specification.
The petstore specification openapi.yaml and a config-proxy.json can be found in model-config repository in the networknt GitHub organization.
This folder also contains a with the commmand lines to generate the petstore project. To generate a project with light-proxy, we need to use the last command in the
To generate the project with local reference, we need to check out this repo.
cd ~/networknt
git clone
We are going to use the light-codegen to generate the project. To make sure we use the latest code, we need to switch to the master branch from the default release branch.
cd ~/networknt
git clone [email protected]:networknt/light-codegen.git
cd light-codegen
git checkout master
mvn clean install
With the light-codegen is built, we will generate a new project into the light-example-4j project. If you don’t want to regenerate the project, you can use the generated one in the light-example-4j lambda petstore-proxy folder. Check out the repository and switch to the master branch.
cd ~/networknt
git clone [email protected]:networknt/light-example-4j.git
cd light-exmaple-4j
git checkout master
If you want to regenerate the project petstore-proxy, run the following command lines. Make sure you have the light-example-4j project checked out into the ~networknt
folder before running the commands.
cd ~/networknt
rm -rf light-example-4j/lambda/petstore-proxy
java -jar light-codegen/codegen-cli/target/codegen-cli.jar -f openapilambda -o light-example-4j/lambda/petstore-proxy -m model-config/lambda/petstore/openapi.yaml -c model-config/lambda/petstore/config-proxy.json
Watch the video for the project walkthrough.
As the update for the light-proxy is not released yet when we write this tutorial, we are using a locally build light-proxy.jar for the docker image. As a temporary solution, we will build the light-proxy locally.
cd ~/networknt
git clone [email protected]:networknt/light-proxy.git
cd light-proxy
mvn clean install
After the next release scheduled at the end of Jan 31, 2021, we don’t need this step anymore, and the jar file will be downloaded from the GitHub release.
Proxy Docker
To demonstrate the JWT verification, we want to update the open-security.yml to set enableVerifyJwt to true.
enableVerifyJwt: ${openapi-security.enableVerifyJwt:true}
To build and push the light-proxy image to the ECR. We run the following command. Before you do that, you need to set up the aws cli.
cd ~/networknt/light-example-4j/lambda/petstore-proxy
chmod +x
./ 1.0.0
Deploy VPC
To deploy the light-proxy containers, we need to create the VPC with 2 EC2 instances and two public subnets.
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name petstore-vpc --template-body file://public-vpc.yaml --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
Deploy Lambda Functions
Build Lambda functions
sam build
Deploy Lambda functions to the us-east-2
sam deploy --guided
Deploy Light-Proxy
Use the following command to deploy the light-proxy. You need to create an accessKeyId and a secretAccessKey.
aws cloudformation create-stack \
--stack-name petstore-proxy \
--template-body file://public-proxy.yaml \
--parameters \
ParameterKey=StackName,ParameterValue=petstore-vpc \
ParameterKey=ServiceName,ParameterValue=lambda-proxy \
ParameterKey=ImageUrl, \
ParameterKey=ContainerPort,ParameterValue=8080 \
ParameterKey=HealthCheckPath,ParameterValue=/health/com.networknt.petstore-3.0.1 \
ParameterKey=HealthCheckIntervalSeconds,ParameterValue=90 \
ParameterKey=AccessKeyId,ParameterValue=YourKeyId \
Replace the ImageUrl, AccessKeyId and SecretAccessKey in the above command.
Once all stacks are deployed, we can send a request to the external url. The external url can be found from the following command from the petstore-vpc stack.
aws cloudformation describe-stacks
With the url, we can send a curl command.
You will get the following error.
{"statusCode":401,"code":"ERR10002","message":"MISSING_AUTH_TOKEN","description":"No Authorization header or the token is not bearer type","severity":"ERROR"}
Now, let’s add a long-lived token to the header.
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiIxMDAiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46Y29tOm5ldHdvcmtudDpvYXV0aDI6djEiLCJhdWQiOiJ1cm46Y29tLm5ldHdvcmtudCIsImV4cCI6MTc5MDAzNTcwOSwianRpIjoiSTJnSmdBSHN6NzJEV2JWdUFMdUU2QSIsImlhdCI6MTQ3NDY3NTcwOSwibmJmIjoxNDc0Njc1NTg5LCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoiMS4wIiwidXNlcl9pZCI6InN0ZXZlIiwidXNlcl90eXBlIjoiRU1QTE9ZRUUiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJmN2Q0MjM0OC1jNjQ3LTRlZmItYTUyZC00YzU3ODc0MjFlNzIiLCJzY29wZSI6WyJ3cml0ZTpwZXRzIiwicmVhZDpwZXRzIl19.mue6eh70kGS3Nt2BCYz7ViqwO7lh_4JSFwcHYdJMY6VfgKTHhsIGKq2uEDt3zwT56JFAePwAxENMGUTGvgceVneQzyfQsJeVGbqw55E9IfM_uSM-YcHwTfR7eSLExN4pbqzVDI353sSOvXxA98ZtJlUZKgXNE1Ngun3XFORCRIB_eH8B0FY_nT_D1Dq2WJrR-re-fbR6_va95vwoUdCofLRa4IpDfXXx19ZlAtfiVO44nw6CS8O87eGfAm7rCMZIzkWlCOFWjNHnCeRsh7CVdEH34LF-B48beiG5lM7h4N12-EME8_VDefgMjZ8eqs1ICvJMxdIut58oYbdnkwTjkA'
This time you will have the result.
Clean Up
The command to delete a stack is in the and we can use it to delete the stacks we just created. The VPC stack might be charge by AWS depending on your plan.
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name petstore-proxy
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name petstore-vpc
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name petstore