Release Docker
This is the task to release all services for the networknt organization to the docker hub. It first checkout repositories into a workspace and switch to the release branch defined in the release-docker.yml file. If the workspace exists, then it will switch to the release branch and run git pull origin (release-branch) to ensure the codebase is the same as remote.
Then the release process is started with the following step for each repository.
- check out release branch or pull the latest from the release branch.
- generate from local release branch and API.
- check in the to the release branch
- run
mvn clean install
to build the service - build docker image with the Dockerfile in each service
- push the docker images to the docker hub
- read for the current release into a StringBuffer.
- call GitHub API to create a new release note and tag
Note that before release, all projects should be built successfully in the release branch by [develop-build][]. After the release, you might need to change the GitHub release a little bit to add the upgrade guide.
For live configuration examples, please visit light-config-test.
Here is an example of the release-docker.yml config file for networknt projects in the master branch.
# Workspace that is used for this operation. Most of time, this is done on local.
workspace: releasedocker_1_6_x
# new upgraded version. This needs to be changed for every release.
version: 1.6.0
# github organization as the token is bound to the org in changelog generator. This
# means that you can only release multiple repositories within the same org each time.
organization: networknt
# previous tag used to calculate how many commits in between in the git log
prev_tag: 1.5.32
# last number of pull requests retrieved from the GitHub. 100 minimum.
last: 100
# skip checkout if you know all latest code has been checkout in the previous build
skip_checkout: false
# skip maven build if you know the build has been done already
skip_maven: false
# skip generate change log
skip_change_log: false
# skip check in the generated changelog
skip_checkin: false
# skip upload release_note if it is already done.
skip_release_note: false
# skip docker publish if it is done already.
skip_docker: false
# clone and switch to develop branch / checkout and pull from develop branch
# here we checkout master branch to publish the images.
- branch: master
- [email protected]:networknt/light-proxy.git
- [email protected]:networknt/light-router.git
- [email protected]:networknt/light-oauth2.git
- [email protected]:networknt/light-tokenization.git
- [email protected]:networknt/light-portal.git
- [email protected]:networknt/light-eventuate-4j.git
- [email protected]:networknt/light-tram-kafka.git
- [email protected]:networknt/light-tram-4j.git
- [email protected]:networknt/light-example-4j.git
# - [email protected]:networknt/light-codegen.git
# - [email protected]:networknt/light-docker.git
# maven build
- light-proxy
- light-router
- light-oauth2
- light-tokenization
- light-portal
- light-eventuate-4j
- light-tram-kafka
- light-tram-4j
- light-example-4j/discovery/api_a/kubernetes
- light-example-4j/discovery/api_b/kubernetes
- light-example-4j/discovery/api_c/kubernetes
- light-example-4j/discovery/api_d/kubernetes
# - light-codegen
# update changelog in master, merge it to develop and publish to
# please note that light-eventuate-4j and light-tram-4j are released in release-maven task.
- light-proxy
- light-router
- light-oauth2
- light-tokenization
- light-portal
# - light-codegen
# build docker image and push to docker hub
- light-proxy
- light-router
- light-oauth2/authorize
- light-oauth2/client
- light-oauth2/code
- light-oauth2/key
- light-oauth2/refresh-token
- light-oauth2/service
- light-oauth2/token
- light-oauth2/user
- light-tokenization
- light-portal/hybrid-command
- light-portal/hybrid-query
- light-example-4j/discovery/api_a/kubernetes
- light-example-4j/discovery/api_b/kubernetes
- light-example-4j/discovery/api_c/kubernetes
- light-example-4j/discovery/api_d/kubernetes
# need to shutdown docker-compose-integration-test.yml before building the following two images.
# moved to release-cdc sub task.
# - light-eventuate-4j/eventuate-cdc-server
# - light-tram-4j/tram-cdc-mysql-server
# - light-docker/light-codegen