Install Eventuate on Windows
There are some dependent services that need to be started in order to do the development of light-eventuate-4j, light-tram-4j and light-saga-4j. On Linux and Mac, we usually start all of them from a docker-compose as it is described in this tutorial.
For Windows users, AFAIK docker-compose doesn’t work. The following is a manual process to install Kafka, Zookeeper and CDC server for tram and CDC server for eventuate. In production, at least Kafka and Zookeeper will be installed as a cluster on Linux bear metal or VMs.
Start Kafka and Zookeeper
The following link is the official installation document from Kafka.
To start Zookeeper and Kafka from Windows local, please use Windows console and type following commands
Start zookeeper:
> cd \\kafka_2.11-\bin\window
> zookeeper-server-start ../../config/
Start Kafka
> cd \\kafka_2.11-\bin\window
> kafka-server-start ../../config/
Mysql Database
Next you need to install Mysql Database on your local.
Once the database is up and running, please execute the following db script from MySql command line or MySql Workbench:
If you want to try the examples, you need to execute all the scripts in that folder.
In order to use Mysql binlog for CDC server, you need to copy the replication.cnf file to /etc/mysql/conf.d folder and restart the server.
Start CDC server for tram
If you want to start a tram CDC server from java -jar, you need to check out the following repos. I am assuming you are using networknt as your workspace under your user home directory.
cd ~/networknt
git clone
cd light-tram-4j/tram-cdc-mysql-server/
mvn clean install
java -java target/tram-cdc-mysql-server.jar
Start CDC server for eventuate
cd ~/networknt
git clone
cd light-eventuate-4j/eventuate-cdc-server/
mvn clean install
java -java target/eventuate-cdc-server.jar
If all the above services are up and running, you can build and run integration tests for light-tram-4j and light-eventuate-4j and build applications based on these frameworks.