Response Interceptor
As we all know, middleware handlers are used to address cross-cutting concerns in the request/response chain. Some middleware handlers are used to manipulate the request or response, like the header handler to update the request and response headers based on the configuration file.
Although we have provided a lot of middleware handlers to help users to manipulate the request and response as cross-cutting concerns, we cannot predict all the use cases our users come up with. To help users to transform the request and response based on their specific use cases, we have implemented interceptor injection handlers for request and response manipulations.
In this document, we are focusing on the response interceptor only. If you are interested in request interceptor, please click here.
Users can implement multiple response interceptors, and they will chain together as a sub-chain in middleware handlers’ request/response chain.
To inject a list of interceptors to the request/response chain, we need to add the ResponseInterceptorInjectionHandler to the default chain in the handler.yml or values.yml if the default chain is externalized like in the light-gateway and http-sidecar.
# Light-framework cross-cutting concerns implemented in the microservice
- com.networknt.traceability.TraceabilityHandler@traceability
- com.networknt.correlation.CorrelationHandler@correlation
- com.networknt.handler.ResponseInterceptorInjectionHandler@responseInterceptor
- com.networknt.header.HeaderHandler@header
- traceability
- correlation
- responseInterceptor
- header
Please note that the responseInterceptor is placed after the correlation and before any meaningful middleware handlers.
Here is the built-in configuration file response-injection.yml for ResponseInterceptorInjectionHandler in the module. It is enabled by default as long as it is in the handler chain. By default, the response body is not injected as it is very heavy. If you set up some response body transformers or want to log the request body into the audit log, you should add the request path prefix to appliedBodyInjectionPathPrefixes.
# response interceptor injection handler configuration
# indicator of enabled
enabled: ${response-injection.enabled:true}
# response body injection applied path prefixes. Injecting the response body and output into the audit log is very heavy operation,
# and it should only be enabled when necessary or for diagnose session to resolve issues. This list can be updated on the config
# server or local values.yml, then an API call to the config-reload endpoint to apply the changes from light-portal control pane.
# Please be aware that big response body will only log the beginning part of it in the audit log and gzip encoded response body can
# not be injected. Even the body injection is not applied, you can still transform the response for headers, query parameters, path
# parameters etc. The format is a list of strings separated with commas or a JSON list in values.yml definition from config server,
# or you can use yaml format in this file or values.yaml on local filesystem. The following are the examples.
# response-injection.appliedBodyInjectionPathPrefixes: ["/v1/cats", "/v1/dogs"]
# response-injection.appliedBodyInjectionPathPrefixes: /v1/cats, /v1/dogs
# response-injection.appliedBodyInjectionPathPrefixes:
# - /v1/cats
# - /v1/dogs
appliedBodyInjectionPathPrefixes: ${response-injection.appliedBodyInjectionPathPrefixes:}
To implement an interceptor, you must implement the following interface.
package com.networknt.handler;
* This handler is special middleware handler, and it is used to inject response interceptors in the request/response
* chain to modify/transform the response before calling the next middleware handler.
public interface ResponseInterceptor extends MiddlewareHandler {
* This is an indicator to load modifiable sink conduit to allow the response body to be updated. It is true
* if the interceptor wants to update the response body.
* @return boolean indicator
boolean isRequiredContent();
* Indicate if the interceptor handler will be executed in synchronous or asynchronous. By default, it is
* executed asynchronously.
* @return boolean indicator
default boolean isAsync() {return false;};
This interface is in the handler module. If the isRequiredContent() is true, then the ResponseInterceptorInjectionHandler will parse the response body and put it into the exchange as an attachment for the interceptor to use and modify. Otherwise, the interceptors will only work on other response attributes except for the response body.
All interceptors are defined in the service.yml, and they can be externalized to the values.yml
# service.yml
- com.networknt.handler.ResponseInterceptorHandler:
- com.networknt.reqtrans.ResponseTransformerInterceptor
The above ResponseTransformInterceptor is an implementation of the ResponseInterceptor based on the rule engine so that it can be very flexible to do anything with rule definition.
Here is the config file for the ResponseTransformerInterceptor
# response-transformer.yml
# indicate if the interceptor is enabled or not.
enabled: ${response-transformer.enabled:true}
# indicate if the transformer needs to modify the response body in the transform rules.
requiredContent: ${response-transformer.requiredContent:true}
# A list of applied request path prefixes, other requests will skip this handler. The value can be a string
# if there is only one request path prefix needs this handler. or a list of strings if there are multiple.
appliedPathPrefixes: ${response-transformer.appliedPathPrefixes:}
When using it, you need to specify if the response body is needed for the transformer rule implementation. Also, you need to specify a list of prefixes in the request paths to limit the usage of the interceptor for all endpoints.
Here is a tutorial to show you how to use the response interceptors.