With the specification in place, we can generate the code with light-codegen
There are three different ways to generate the code with light-codegen:
- Local build or download the released jar
- Docker container
- Script with docker container
To learn how to use the tool, please refer to the light-codegen tutorial
Generate code with a local build
Clone and build light-codegen
cd ~/networknt
git clone
cd light-codegen
mvn clean install -DskipTests
For this demo, I am going to generate the code into light-example-4j/rest/openapi/database/generated folder so that users can check the code later on from this repository.
Let’s check out the light-example-4j repository and back up the existing database project. You can later compare your working folder with the .bak folder to see any difference.
cd ~/networknt
git clone
cd light-example-4j/rest/openapi
mv database database.bak
Before generating the project, we need to create a config.json to define packages, artifactId, groupId, and other options for the project.
Here is the content of the file and it can be found in ~/networknt/model-config/rest/openapi/database
"name": "database",
"version": "1.0.0",
"groupId": "com.networknt",
"artifactId": "database",
"rootPackage": "com.networknt.database",
"overwriteHandler": true,
"overwriteHandlerTest": true,
"overwriteModel": true,
"httpPort": 8080,
"enableHttp": false,
"httpsPort": 8443,
"enableHttps": true,
"enableHttp2": true,
"enableRegistry": false,
"supportDb": true,
"dbInfo": {
"name": "mysql",
"driverClassName": "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",
"jdbcUrl": "jdbc:mysql://mysqldb:3306/oauth2?useSSL=false",
"username": "root",
"password": "my-secret-pw"
"supportH2ForTest": true,
"supportClient": false,
"dockerOrganization": "networknt"
As you can see, we have enabled the Mysql database and H2 for test cases.
Code generation
cd ~/networknt
java -jar light-codegen/codegen-cli/target/codegen-cli.jar -f openapi -o light-example-4j/rest/openapi/database/generated -m model-config/rest/openapi/database/openapi.yaml -c model-config/rest/openapi/database/config.json
Now you should have a project generated. Let’s build it and run it.
cd ~/networknt/light-example-4j/rest/openapi/database/generated
mvn clean install exec:exec
Now you can access the service with curl following the [next step][] below.
Generate code with docker container
Let’s remove the generated folder from light-example-4j/rest/openapi/database folder and generate the project again with the docker container.
cd ~/networknt/light-example-4j/openapi/rest/database
rm -rf generated
Now let’s generate the project again with docker.
cd ~/networknt
docker run -it -v ~/networknt/model-config/rest/openapi/database:/light-api/input -v ~/networknt/light-example-4j/rest/openapi/database:/light-api/out networknt/light-codegen -f openapi -m /light-api/input/openapi.yaml -c /light-api/input/config.json -o /light-api/out/generated
Note that on Linux, the generated folder in ~/networknt/light-example-4j/rest/openapi/database will be owned by root:root and it needs to be changed to your user:group before compiling the project. On other operating systems like Mac and Windows, you don’t need this step.
cd ~/networknt/light-example-4j/rest/openapi/database
sudo chown -R steve:steve .
Let’s build and start the service
cd ~/networknt/light-example-4j/rest/openapi/database/generated
mvn clean install exec:exec
Now you can access the service with curl following the test step.