Client Proxy Server Proxy
After we have done the server-proxy, we can set up the market API to use the client-proxy to access the petstore API.
Assume that the petstore API and the server-proxy still up and running. The following command can confirm the petstore is working and accessible from the server-proxy.
curl -k https://localhost:7443/v1/pets
And the result should be.
Client Proxy
Let’s start another light-gateway instance for the client-proxy. The market API will call the client-proxy, the client-proxy will call the server-proxy and then the server-proxy will call the petstore API.
Open another terminal and start the client-proxy.
cd ~/networknt/light-gateway
java -jar -Dlight-4j-config-dir=config/client-proxy-market target/light-gateway.jar
Market API
Let’s start the market API.
cd ~/networknt/light-example-4j/rest/market
java -jar target/server.jar
The server will start and listen to port 6443 on HTTPS/2.
Test Market
curl -k https://localhost:6443/petstore/products
you should have the following result.
Client Proxy Configuration
The configuration files are located in light-gateway/config/client-proxy-market folder.
Here is the chain for routing only.
- exception
- metrics
- traceability
- correlation
- cors
- header
- router
- server.yml
Set the httpPort to 9080 and give it a serviceId called com.networknt.client-gateway-market
- router.yml
Allow the hostWhitelist for localhost and set the maxRequestTime to 3 seconds.
- pathPrefixService.yml
Add /v1/pets to com.networknt.petstore mapping
- service.yml
Add an entry for petstore to localhost:7443 which is the server proxy of petstore.
com.networknt.petstore: https://localhost:7443
Here is the entire file.
# server.yml
server.httpPort: 9080
server.enableHttp: true
server.enableHttps: false
server.enableHttp2: false
server.serviceId: com.networknt.client-gateway-market
# router.yml
router.maxRequestTime: 3000
- localhost
# pathPrefixService.yml
/v1/pets: com.networknt.petstore
# service.yml
- com.networknt.registry.URL:
- com.networknt.registry.URLImpl:
com.networknt.petstore: https://localhost:7443
- com.networknt.registry.Registry:
- com.networknt.balance.LoadBalance:
- com.networknt.balance.RoundRobinLoadBalance
- com.networknt.cluster.Cluster:
- com.networknt.cluster.LightCluster
- com.networknt.utility.Decryptor:
- com.networknt.decrypt.AESDecryptor