Hugo Site
As you know that you can use gh-pages
branch to create document site for each repo, there is also a way that you can build a site from your organization and deploy your
site to Furthermore, you can use Hugo to create a static website and deploy it anywhere you want.
The following will describe the process with an example site which is deployed to
For Hugo installation, please read this hugo document.
The detail steps are documented at hugo site. I am just trying to apply the steps to
Create a site repo
This repo will contain Hugo’s content and other source files. We are using light-doc as repo name in the networknt organization.
This repo contains the fully rendered version of your Hugo website. In our case, it is called
Create docs
Clone the repos to your local and create a document Hugo site in light-doc
cd networknt
hugo new site light-doc
This will create folders in light-doc directory. For me I have copied the files from docs folder to light-4j as a staring point.
Make sure that you test your content with “hugo serve” and open browser to http://localhost:1313
Once you are happy with the result, kill the server and remove the generated public folder under docs.
cd light-doc/docs
rm -rf public
Create a submodule
cd light-doc/docs
git submodule add -b master [email protected]:networknt/ public
This creates a git submodule. Now when you run the hugo command to build your site to public, the created public directory will have a different remote origin (i.e. hosted GitHub repository). You can automate some of these steps with the following script.
Build site
cd light-doc/docs
This will build the site and put the rendered site into public folder.
Deployment script
You’re almost done. You can also add a script to automate the preceding steps for you. You can also make it executable with chmod +x
The following are the contents of the script:
echo -e "\033[0;32mDeploying updates to GitHub...\033[0m"
# Build the project.
hugo # if using a theme, replace with `hugo -t <YOURTHEME>`
# Go To Public folder
cd public
# Add changes to git.
git add .
# Commit changes.
msg="rebuilding site `date`"
if [ $# -eq 1 ]
then msg="$1"
git commit -m "$msg"
# Push source and build repos.
git push origin master
# Come Back up to the Project Root
cd ..
Use a custom domain
If you’d like to use a custom domain for your GitHub Pages site, create a file static/CNAME. Your custom domain name should be the only contents inside CNAME. Since it’s inside static, the published site will contain the CNAME file at the root of the published site, which is a requirements of GitHub Pages.
Refer to the official documentation for custom domains for further information.