Ksqldb Consumer
Unlike other consumers, the KsqlDB consumer is connecting to the KsqlDB server instead of the Kafka cluster. Because the KsqlDB has processed the streams on the server, the Kafka-sidecar is just a client for the KsqlDB.
For local connection, the following is the config file kafka-ksqldb.yml
# ksqlDB host
host: localhost
# ksqlDB port
port: 8088
# query for the ksqldb. It can be a table or stream.
# stream query properties
auto.offset.reset: earliest
For the enterprise KsqlDB server, we need enable Tls and set basic Authentication for the connection:
ksqldbHost: ${kafka-ksqldb.ksqldbHost:localhost}
ksqldbPort: ${kafka-ksqldb.ksqldbPort:8088}
# ksqlDB use tls or not. For local environment, default set as false. For enterprise kafka, please change to use true
useTls: ${kafka-ksqldb.useTls:false}
# ksqlDB ssl truststore location
trustStore: ${kafka-ksqldb.trustStore:/truststore/kafka.server.truststore.jks}
# ksqlDB ssl truststore Password
trustStorePassword: ${kafka-ksqldb.trustStorePassword:changeme}
# ksqlDB basic Authentication Credentials username
basicAuthCredentialsUser: ${kafka-ksqldb.username:userId}
# ksqlDB basic Authentication Credentials Password
basicAuthCredentialsPassword: ${KAFKA_KSQLDB_PASSWORD:changeme}
There are two types of consumers for ksqlDB:
Active consumer
Reactive consumer
To enable the consumers, we also need to update the service.yml(or values.yml) file to add the startup and shutdown hooks.
# Service Startup and Shutdown Hooks
- com.networknt.mesh.kafka.ProducerStartupHook
- com.networknt.mesh.kafka.KsqldbReactiveConsumerStartupHook
- com.networknt.mesh.kafka.KsqldbActiveConsumerStartupHook
- com.networknt.mesh.kafka.ReactiveConsumerStartupHook
- com.networknt.mesh.kafka.ProducerShutdownHook
- com.networknt.mesh.kafka.ActiveConsumerShutdownHook
- com.networknt.mesh.kafka.KsqldbActiveConsumerShutdownHook
- com.networknt.mesh.kafka.ReactiveConsumerShutdownHook
- com.networknt.mesh.kafka.KsqldbReactiveConsumerShutdownHook
To Access Active Consumer endpoint:
path: /ksqldb/active
Method: POST
Sample request paylaod:
"deserializationError": false,
"tableScanEnable": true,
"query": "select * from QUERYUSER where id = '1';"
To use Reactive Consumer
Reactive Consumer will pull the ksql query result tthe Backend API Specification.
The following is one of the examples for the backend API to receive the call from the Kafka sidecar. The path is configurable from the sidecar.
openapi: “3.0.0” info: version: “1.0.0” title: “KsqlDB Backend” license: name: “MIT” servers:
- url: “http://backend.ksqldb.io” paths: /kafka/ksqldb: post: summary: “Create a user row” operationId: “createUserRow” requestBody: description: “An array that represent a user row” required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: “#/components/schemas/UserRow” security: - ksqldb_auth: - “write:ksqldb” responses: “201”: description: “Null response” components: securitySchemes: ksqldb_auth: type: “oauth2” description: “This API uses OAuth 2 with the client credential grant flow.” flows: clientCredentials: tokenUrl: “https://localhost:6882/token” scopes: write:ksqldb: “modify user row” schemas: UserRow: type: “array” items: description: “user row data” type: “string”
Backend API Implementation
Here is an example implementation in light-4j and it is a post handler.
package com.networknt.kafka.handler;
import com.networknt.body.BodyHandler;
import com.networknt.config.JsonMapper;
import com.networknt.handler.LightHttpHandler;
import io.undertow.server.HttpServerExchange;
import io.undertow.util.HttpString;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.List;
For more information on how to write business handlers, please check the link below.
public class KsqldbPostHandler implements LightHttpHandler {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KsqldbPostHandler.class);
public void handleRequest(HttpServerExchange exchange) throws Exception {
exchange.getResponseHeaders().add(new HttpString("Content-Type"), "application/json");
List<String> body = (List<String>)exchange.getAttachment(BodyHandler.REQUEST_BODY);
logger.info("received call from the sidecar: " + JsonMapper.toJson(body));
The received data from the sidecar is logged with logback and a status code 204 no content is returned to the sidecar to indicate that the process is done successfully.
The example can be found in the light-example-4j/kafka/ksqldb-backend