This is a customized handler that is used to access an external service through a corporate network with web gateway. The reason we cannot use the generic external service handler is that the service requires two-way TLS and customized access token endpoint.
This handler is located in the light-4j repo ingress-proxy module. The default config template can be customized in the values.yml file.
# Configuration for MrasHandler
# Indicate if the handler is enabled or not
enabled: ${mras.enabled:false}
# keyStoreName
keyStoreName: ${mras.keyStoreName:}
# keyStorePass
keyStorePass: ${mras.keyStorePass:}
# keyPass
keyPass: ${mras.keyPass:}
# trustStoreName
trustStoreName: ${mras.trustStoreName:apigatewayuat.pfx}
# trustStorePass
trustStorePass: ${mras.trustStorePass:password}
# Proxy Host if calling within the corp network with a gateway like Mcafee gateway.
proxyHost: ${mras.proxyHost:}
# Proxy Port if proxy host is used. default value will be 443 which means HTTPS.
proxyPort: ${mras.proxyPort:}
# If HTTP2 is used to connect to the MRAS site.
enableHttp2: ${mras.enableHttp2:false}
# When MrasHandler is used in the http-sidecar or light-gateway, it can collect the metrics info for
# the total response time of the downstream API. With this value injected, users can quickly determine how much
# time the http-sidecar or light-gateway handlers spend and how much time the downstream API spends, including
# the network latency. By default, it is false, and metrics will not be collected and injected into the metrics
# handler configured in the request/response chain.
metricsInjection: ${mras.metricsInjection:false}
# When the metrics info is injected into the metrics handler, we need to pass a metric name to it so that the
# metrics info can be categorized in a tree structure under the name. By default, it is mras-response, and
# users can change it.
metricsName: ${mras.metricsName:mras-response}
# URL rewrite rules, each line will have two parts: the regex patten and replace string separated
# with a space. For details, please refer to the light-router router.yml configuration.
# Test your rules at
urlRewriteRules: ${mras.urlRewriteRules:}
# A list of applied request path prefixes and authentication config, other requests will skip this handler.
pathPrefixAuth: ${mras.pathPrefixAuth:}
# format with JSON for config server
# {"/mras":"accessToken","/test":"basicAuth","/pdf/generator":"anonymous","/advisor":"microsoft"}
# format with YAML for readability
# /mras: accessToken
# /test: basicAuth
# /pdf/generator: anonymous
# /advisor: microsoft
# MRAS basic authentication configuration for some endpoints
# username for the authentication
username: ${mras.basicAuth.username:}
# password for the authentication
password: ${mras.basicAuth.password:}
# host for the endpoint
serviceHost: ${mras.basicAuth.serviceHost:}
# MRAS accessToken issued by the MRAS service
# MRAS get token URL to send the request
tokenUrl: ${mras.accessToken.tokenUrl:}
# username for the authentication
username: ${mras.accessToken.username:}
# password for the authentication
password: ${mras.accessToken.password:}
# is cache enabled for the token
cacheEnabled: ${mras.accessToken.cacheEnabled:}
# memory key
memKey: ${mras.accessToken.memKey:}
# grace period
gracePeriod: ${mras.accessToken.gracePeriod:}
# host for the endpoint
serviceHost: ${mras.accessToken.serviceHost:}
# MRAS Microsoft token issued by Microsoft service
# MRAS get token URL to send the request
tokenUrl: ${}
# username for the authentication
clientId: ${}
# password for the authentication
clientSecret: ${}
# resource for the authentication
resource: ${}
# is cache enabled for the token
cacheEnabled: ${}
# memory key
memKey: ${}
# grace period
gracePeriod: ${}
# host for the endpoint
serviceHost: ${}
# MRAS anonymous access for some endpoints.
# MRAS target service host for service access with the token get with above property.
serviceHost: ${mras.anonymous.serviceHost:}
The handler has a customzied TLS context object that is used to establish the two-way TLS connect to the target server. Also, it supports the proxyHost and proxyPort configuration to access the external service via the corporate gateway.